Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) We are sadly seeing increased food demand across the UK and only expect this to get higher. To respond to the situation, Kebire Trust initiated this emergency work to meet the increased demand from vulnerable people as a result of the...

Key Challenges

Regional and local contexts, security situations, humanitarian emergencies, displacements and migrations, and relation and cooperation among the stakeholders. Lack of data and information about situation on the ground, particularly specific situation and needs of the...


The establishment of the Kebire Trust emanated from the most critical need of the Eritrean people in general, and particularly the refugees who have been suffering by cumulative factors that compelled them to lead the most desperate poverty, and the existence of...

About us

About us Kebire Trust is a UK-based non-profit organization, established in October 2007, and works for the needy and forgotten Eritrean Refugees in Sudan and neighboring countries as well as to help the needy people inside Eritrea. The Kebire Trust’s aim is to...