Key Challenges

Regional and local contexts, security situations, humanitarian emergencies, displacements and migrations, and relation and cooperation among the stakeholders. Lack of data and information about situation on the ground, particularly specific situation and needs of the...


The establishment of the Kebire Trust emanated from the most critical need of the Eritrean people in general, and particularly the refugees who have been suffering by cumulative factors that compelled them to lead the most desperate poverty, and the existence of...

About us

About us Kebire Trust is a UK-based non-profit organization, established in October 2007, and works for the needy and forgotten Eritrean Refugees in Sudan and neighboring countries as well as to help the needy people inside Eritrea. The Kebire Trust’s aim is to...

Financial Planning 

Financial Planning  Kebire Trust raises funds from its community and funding institutions for humanitarian operations. We spend the funds we raise on humanitarian operations, including emergency interventions, programme supplies, and personnel and transport costs. In...


Kebire Trust works with local communities and authorities, and also international and national humanitarian organizations in pursuance of its mission. Kebire Trust works with   One Nation (UK), Ar-rahma Trust (UK), Crisis Aid (UK), Al-Bayan Foundation (UK), LIA...

Yemen Appeal

After almost four years of war, the resulting displacement, hunger and disease have made Yemen the worst humanitarian crisis on earth. More than 22 million people, three quarters of the population, are in desperate need of assistance. As well as the threat of...